Prophecy Document Class

Table of Contents

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1 Header

% Prophecy Class
% A memoir-based documentclass with a contemporary style for books with a lighter content.
% (c) Gambhiro Bhikkhu, 2021
% LPPL LaTeX Pubic Project Licence

2 Identification

% ==============
% Identification
% ==============

\ProvidesClass{prophecy}[2021/03/04 v1.0.0 A memoir-based documentclass with a contemporary style for books.]

3 Preliminary Declarations

% ========================
% Preliminary Declarations
% ========================



4 Options

% =======
% Options
% =======


  babelLanguage/.store in=\BOOK@babelLanguage,

% Pass all unknown options to memoir


5 Further Declarations

5.1 Load memoir


\raggedbottom stops these warnings:

Underfull \vbox (badness 10000) has occurred while \output is active

By not streching the glue in vertical spaces, such as before and after chapter and section headings. The bottom of the pages will be uneven.

Default is \flushbottom. The small streches are good because an even page bottom is better. When it causes large streches, it is better to put in a \clearpage manually.

NOTE: Use the bottom footmisc option when using \raggedbottom.

NOTE: Using \raggedbottom here as a default. It helps with quotes when the pages frequently have to break early anyway.

\raggedbottomsection only affects pages where the section header was moved to the next page.

% NOTE use the 'bottom' footmisc option when using \raggedbottom.

5.2 Penalties, Orphans and Widows

% memoir's more allowing penalties

%\finalhyphendemerits=5000 % default is 5000

% It is more effective to \mbox{...} the words to avoid hyphenation.
\brokenpenalty=5000 % penalty for page break after a hyphenated line


5.3 Embed a color profile

% === Color Profile ===

% Embed a color profile in the PDF for correctly interpreting CMYK images.

% \ifoverleaf\relax
% \else
% \immediate\pdfobj stream attr{/N 4} file{assets/other/UncoatedFOGRA29.icc}
% \pdfcatalog{%
%   /OutputIntents [ <<
%   /Type /OutputIntent
%   /DestOutputProfile \the\pdflastobj\space 0 R
%   /OutputConditionIdentifier (Uncoated FOGRA29 (ISO 12647-2:2004))
%   /Info(Uncoated FOGRA29 (ISO 12647-2:2004))
%   /RegistryName (
%   >> ]
% }
% \fi

5.4 Require packages


% Don't use the [cmyk] option. Specify the color model in the color definitions.
% Add your \graphicspath declaration to your local style.


5.5 Colors

% === Define colors ===

% Define text colors as Gray color values.
\definecolor{textbody}{gray}{0.05}% 95% is good for contrast, on yellowish paper it is not harsh.
\definecolor{linkborder}{rgb}{0.4,0.4,1}% light blue
\definecolor{link}{rgb}{0.2,0.2,1}% not so light blue

5.6 Load Fonts

% === Load fonts ===

\defaultfontfeatures{ Ligatures={TeX}, Path = {./assets/fonts/}, }

% If -- dashes don't work for your font, try
% Renderer = Basic

  SmallCapsFont = Crimson-Roman.otf,
  SmallCapsFeatures= { Ligatures = TeX, Letters = SmallCaps, Scale = 0.8, LetterSpace = 0.2 },
  ItalicFont = GentiumPlus-I.ttf,
  BoldFont = GenBkBasB.ttf,
  BoldItalicFont = GenBkBasBI.ttf,

  SmallCapsFeatures= { LetterSpace = 0.2 },
  BoldFont = Crimson-Semibold.otf,
  ItalicFont = Crimson-Italic.otf,

  Numbers = OldStyle,

  ItalicFont = GentiumPlus-I.ttf,
  BoldFont = GenBkBasB.ttf,
  BoldItalicFont = GenBkBasBI.ttf,


% header and footer


% chapter and section




% quote


% toc


5.7 Microtype, Soul, Font Tracking


% Tracking for uppercase section heading
\SetTracking[spacing={400,100,}]{encoding=*, family={Crimson-Roman.otf}}{20}

% === soul settings ===

\sodef\soTocChapter{}{.1em}{.5em plus.1em}{.1em plus.1em minus.1em}
\sodef\soSection{}{.07em}{.4em plus.1em}{.1em plus.1em minus.1em}

% Use \textls letterspacing (for uppercase chapter titles for example)
% with microtype instead, because soul swallows
% accented characters at the end of words.

5.8 Hyperref


% hypertexnames=true


% Colors: in the desktop version, use colored link text
% Colors: in the print version, set link colors to text color, so that it doesn't interfere with printing


5.9 Language Specific

  % If using babel, captions names have to be renamed like this
  % Portuguese repeats hyphen
  % generates a hyphen that will repeat on a new line

\newcommand*\thai[1]{{\thaiFont #1}}

5.10 Hyphenation Exceptions

\hyphenation{season wisdom develop-ment respon-sible pheno-mena
philo-sophical munindo amaravati thai-land}

%\hyphenation{accur-ately argu-men-ta-tive attach Ayu-dhaya becomes
%ben-e-fi-cial capa-bil-ity car-ry car-ry-ing cere-monies cere-mony
%ces-sa-tion chal-lenge chal-leng-ing clas-si-fi-ca-tion
%clas-si-fi-ca-tions clas-si-fied com-mu-nity con-di-tion
%con-di-tioned con-struc-tions con-tem-plate con-tem-plat-ing
%con-tem-pla-tion cul-ti-vate cul-ti-vates cul-ti-vat-ing
%cul-ti-vation def-i-ni-tion de-ter-mine de-ter-mined dhamma dhammas
%dis-cern-ment dis-con-tent dis-cur-sive dying em-pha-size
%enlight-ened equa-nim-ity es-pe-cial-ly estab-lish exist-ence
%ex-pe-ri-ence hap-pen-ing having ig-no-rance immedi-ately
%im-per-ma-nent in-nu-mer-a-ble in-se-cu-ri-ty in-spir-ing
%in-struct-ed in-ves-ti-gate in-ves-ti-ga-tion iso-late iso-lat-ed
%Keuan lay-peo-ple ma-te-ri-al mat-u-ra-tion medi-tate medi-ta-tion
%medi-ta-tive mental mon-as-teries mon-as-tery Nana-chat or-dain
%or-dain-ed or-di-na-tion orig-inate oth-er-wise pene-trat-ing
%per-son-al per-son-al-ity phe-nom-e-na phe-nom-e-non po-si-tion
%pow-er pow-ers pre-vi-ous pro-lif-er-ate pro-lif-er-ating
%pro-lif-er-a-tions puthu-jjana quest-ion rec-i-ta-tion
%sat-is-fac-tory sen-sa-tion sen-sa-tions sim-i-lar suf-fer-ing
%sup-po-si-tion syn-on-y-mous tem-per-a-ment tem-per-a-ments tong-rat
%tran-scend tran-scend-ent tran-scends un-con-di-tioned under-stand
%under-stood un-hap-pi-ness un-sat-is-fac-tori-ness un-sat-is-fac-tory
%ven-er-able wea-ri-ness what-ev-er when-ever wher-ever whole-hearted
%whole-heart-edly wrong-do-ing}

6 Font Sizes

6.1 Main Font Size and Indentations


  \abovedisplayskip 11\p@ \@plus3\p@ \@minus6\p@
  \abovedisplayshortskip \z@ \@plus3\p@
  \belowdisplayshortskip 6.5\p@ \@plus3.5\p@ \@minus3\p@
  \belowdisplayskip \abovedisplayskip

% === indentations ===



6.2 Custom Font Sizes

% Some default font sizes, use \renewcommand to adjust

\newcommand{\chapterNameSize}{\@setfontsize          \chapterNameSize          {22}{24}}
\newcommand{\chapterNumberSize}{\@setfontsize        \chapterNumberSize        {22}{24}}
\newcommand{\chapterTitleSize}{\@setfontsize         \chapterTitleSize         {13}{16.5}}
\newcommand{\chapterTitleFootnoteSize}{\@setfontsize \chapterTitleFootnoteSize {16}{30}}
\newcommand{\chapterAuthorSize}{\@setfontsize        \chapterAuthorSize        {12}{14}}
\newcommand{\chapterNoteSize}{\@setfontsize          \chapterNoteSize          {13}{15}}
\newcommand{\footerSize}{\@setfontsize               \footerSize               {10.5}{10.5}}
\newcommand{\headerSize}{\@setfontsize               \headerSize               {10}{10}}



7 Page Size and Layout

% === Page Size and Layout ===



  \stockaiv% use A4 paper size to show trims
  \settrims{0.5\stockheight - 0.5\paperheight}{0.5\stockwidth - 0.5\paperwidth}

% Text block for 10.5 / 15pt:
%%\settypeblocksize{521pt}{*}{0.599}% 1/1.667, 3:5, major 6th (183.79mm x 110mm)
%\settypeblocksize{34\baselineskip + \topskip}{*}{0.599}% 1/1.667, 3:5, major 6th
%\setlrmargins{*}{20mm}{*}% 22.71669mm and 19.99976mm


\setulmargins{42pt}{*}{*}% Based on Tall Pentagon, 1.701

% Fixes these warnings:
% Overfull \vbox (1.4pt too high) has occurred while \output is active

Print page sizes to main.log:

% This will also typeout values in pt (default)
% It is useful to see layout values in mm too.

% ******************************************************
% Stock height and width: 650.43pt by 433.62pt
% Top and edge trims: 0pt and 0pt
% Page height and width: 650.43pt by 433.62pt
% Text height and width: 551pt by 312pt
% Spine and edge margins: 63.73419pt and 56.9055pt
% Upper and lower margins: 42pt and 57.43pt
% Headheight and headsep: 15.6pt and 19.8738pt
% Footskip: 30pt
% Columnsep and columnseprule: 10pt and 0pt
% Marginparsep and marginparwidth: 7pt and 42.9055pt
% Sidecapsep and sidecapwidth: 7pt and 111pt
% Sidebarhsep and sidebarwidth: 7pt and 111pt
% Sidebarvsep and sidebartopsep: 13.6pt and 0pt
% Sidebarheight: 539.9202pt
% Sidefoothsep and sidefootwidth: 7pt and 111pt
% Sidefootvsep and sidefootheight: 13.6pt and 539.9202pt
% ******************************************************
% ******************************************************
% Stock height and width: 228.59732mm by 152.39821mm
% Top and edge trims: 0mm and 0mm
% Page height and width: 228.59732mm by 152.39821mm
% Text height and width: 193.65208mm by 109.65417mm
% Spine and edge margins: 22.39973mm and 19.99976mm
% Upper and lower margins: 14.76114mm and 20.1841mm
% Headheight and headsep: 5.4827mm and 6.98476mm
% Footskip: 10.54367mm
% Columnsep and columnseprule: 3.51456mm and 0mm
% Marginparsep and marginparwidth: 2.46019mm and 15.07938mm
% Sidecapsep and sidecapwidth: 2.46019mm and 39.01158mm
% Sidebarhsep and sidebarwidth: 2.46019mm and 39.01158mm
% Sidebarvsep and sidebartopsep: 4.77979mm and 0mm
% Sidebarheight: 189.75801mm
% Sidefoothsep and sidefootwidth: 2.46019mm and 39.01158mm
% Sidefootvsep and sidefootheight: 4.77979mm and 189.75801mm
% ******************************************************

8 Commands and Environments


% Use with: \begin{tabular}{L{30mm}R{30mm}}


% Allows hyphenation:
% \newcolumntype{L}[1]{>{\RaggedRight\hspace{0pt}}p{#1}}
% \newcolumntype{R}[1]{>{\RaggedLeft\hspace{0pt}}p{#1}}







% Add empty pages for a total page count divisible by 8 without remainder.
  \setcounter{pageRem}{1 + 8 - ( \theCurrentPage - ( ( \theCurrentPage / 8 ) * 8) )}%
  %\typeout{hey: \theCurrentPage, \theorigPage, \thepageRem}% NOTE only for debugging
    %hey \theorigPage \space \thepageRem% NOTE only for debugging



   \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
   \node at (current {\usebox{\quotepagebox}};


  % The hangindent only works with alternating speakers.

\setlength\qw{17pt}% same as parindent for smallpage


  \textit{Q: #1}
  \textit{Q: #2}


% If class option desktopVersion is used, show content in a paper sized
% minipage, empty page otherwise.
% Redefine \color{desktopcoverbg} to change page background color.

% === titlepage ===


% === quotes ===




% for sutta verses and other short stanzas

  {\centering\itshape\footnotesize #1\par}%

% for longer sutta and book quotes
    \listparindent 0pt
    \itemindent    \listparindent
    \leftmargin    \quoteMargin
    \rightmargin   \quoteMargin
    \parsep        8pt
    \topsep        0pt
    \partopsep     0pt}%


  {\raggedleft\itshape\footnotesize #1\par}%

  {\hfill\itshape\footnotesize #1}%

    \listparindent 0pt
    \itemindent    \listparindent
    \leftmargin    \quoteMargin
    \rightmargin   \quoteMargin
    \parsep        8pt
    \topsep        0pt
    \partopsep     0pt}%



  \begin{minipage}{\linewidth - 40pt}%


% #1: quote rule width
    \node (box) [draw=none, rectangle,
    minimum width={\linewidth - \quoteRuleWidth},
    minimum height={\quoteHeight + 2\quoteTopBotSep},
    inner sep=0pt, fill=quoteRuleFill] {};
    \node (a) [above left=0pt and 0pt of box.north west] {};
    \node (b) [below left=0pt and 0pt of box.south west] {};
    \draw [line width=\quoteRuleWidth, draw=quoteRule] (a) -- (b);
    \node (quote) [below right=\quoteTopBotSep and {20pt - 0.5\quoteRuleWidth} of box.north west,
                   anchor=north west, draw=none, inner sep=0pt] {%


    \listparindent 0pt
    \itemindent    \diaItemIndent
    \leftmargin    \diaLeftMargin
    \rightmargin   0pt
    \parsep        4pt
    \topsep        0pt
    \partopsep     0pt}%

      \includegraphics[height={\paperheight + 6mm}]{#1}%

      \begin{minipage}[b][\paperheight][c]{\paperwidth + 6mm}%
        \includegraphics[width={\paperwidth + 6mm}]{#1}%

      \begin{minipage}[b][\paperheight][c]{\paperwidth + 6mm}%
        \rule{\paperwidth + 6mm}{0.5\paperheight}%
      \begin{minipage}[b][\paperheight][c]{\paperwidth + 6mm}%

      \rule{\paperwidth + 6mm}{\paperheight + 6mm}%
      \begin{minipage}[b][\paperheight + 6mm][c]{\paperwidth + 6mm}%

% #1: photo

% #1: width
% #2: photo
  \vspace{8pt \@plus 15pt \@minus 0pt}%
  \vspace{8pt \@plus 15pt \@minus 0pt}%

% #1: photo

% The width only makes sense at \linewidth. Copy the macro inline and add trim
% and clip option on the photo if necessary.
% #1: photo
  \vspace{8pt \@plus 15pt \@minus 0pt}%
  \vspace{8pt \@plus 15pt \@minus 0pt}%

  \vspace{8pt \@plus 15pt \@minus 0pt}%
  \vspace{8pt \@plus 15pt \@minus 0pt}%

  \vspace{0pt \@plus 5pt \@minus 0pt}%
  \vspace{0pt \@plus 5pt \@minus 0pt}%

% glossary as item list

    \labelwidth\z@ \itemindent-\leftmargin
    \labelsep 2pt


% === Color specs ===



% #1: description title of specs, such as 'variation A, base colors'


  \begin{tabular}{@{} l l}
    Chapter title & \specChaptertitle \\
    Text body & \specTextbody \\
    Section & \specSection \\
    Footnote & \specFootnote \\
    Footer & \specFooter \\

9 Divisions


  % Not adding vspace here because it interferes with the closing '.' of the
  % section list. The vertical space is added in \titlecontents{appendix}.


% adapted from base/latex.ltx
  \kern 2.6\p@}

\renewcommand*{\notenumintext}[1]{\textsuperscript{\thinspace [#1]}}

10 Page Styles


% define page styles with names about "what it does"




% alias the pagestyles into semantic names, "where it is used"



11 Table of Contents Style

% === TOC style and settings ===


% the right TOC margin


% Roman numerals in the chapter title TOC chapter entries.

% Fixes Undefined control sequence error for \@chapapp@head

% Fixes Missing number error when chapter number is not numeric, as in
% Appendix A


  \ifnum #1>\c@tocdepth \else
    %\vskip \z@ \@plus.2\p@
     \leftskip #2\relax
     \rightskip \@tocrmarg
     \advance\rightskip #3\relax
     \parfillskip -\rightskip
     \parindent #2\relax\@afterindenttrue
     \@tempdima #4\relax
     \advance\leftskip \@tempdima \null\nobreak\hskip -\leftskip
        \mkern \@dotsep mu\hbox{\,}\mkern \@dotsep


% FIXME: the first Part heading in the TOC will also add that 20pt
% vspace. How to add it only before a Part that follows a Chapter?




12 Book Style

% === Book style ===
% ...

13 Part Style

% === Part style ===




\renewcommand*{\midpartskip}{\par\vskip 10pt}%

% FIXME: Currently, if there isn't a part title, we have to do
% \part{\space} to still create the part line in the TOC and the
% bookmark index.
% It would be better if the index had ``Part One'', and the TOC would
% handle it better too.

  \ifnum \c@secnumdepth >-2\relax
    \begin{minipage}{\linewidth - \chapterTitleLeftSkip}
      \interlinepenalty \@M
      \ifnum \c@secnumdepth >-2\relax
        \resizebox{2.8cm}{!}{\printpartname \partnamenum \printpartnum}
        \par\vskip 20pt

14 Chapter Styles

14.1 Settings

% === Chapter styles ===


% define chapter styles with "fantasy" names





  \itshape #1%





14.2 Lowtitle

  \renewcommand\afterchapternum{\par\nobreak\vskip \midchapskip}
    \parbox{\linewidth - \chapterTitleLeftSkip}{%
        \vskip 0.5\onelineskip%
        \vskip 0.5\onelineskip%
  \renewcommand\afterchaptertitle{\par\nobreak\vskip \afterchapskip}%




14.3 Bellatrix

  \renewcommand\printchaptername{\hspace*{\chapindent}\chapnamefont \@chapapp}
  \renewcommand\printchapternum{\chapnumfont \numtoName{\c@chapter}}
        \vskip 0.5\onelineskip%
        \vskip 0.5\onelineskip%

14.4 Mintaka

% Mintaka - Delta Orionis
        \chaptitlefont ##1%
        \vskip 0.5\onelineskip%
        \vskip 0.5\onelineskip%


14.5 Shedir






    \setlength{\chapterNumberWidth}{\widthof{\chapnumfont 99.} + 10pt}
  \renewcommand\titlealign{\if@mainmatter \raggedright \else \centering \fi}
          \hspace*{\chapterTitleLeftSkip}\thechapter .%
      \parbox{\linewidth - \chapterTitleLeftSkip - \chapterNumberWidth}{%
          \vskip 0.5\onelineskip%
          \vskip 0.5\onelineskip%
    \JoinCoffins\ChapterNumberBox[r,t]\ChapterTitleBox[l,t](0pt, \chapterTitleYOffset)%
  \renewcommand\afterchaptertitle{\par\nobreak\vskip \afterchapskip}%



14.6 Caph

% === Caph ===
% Chapter title size: 18 / 20 pt

    \setlength{\chapterNumberWidth}{\widthof{\chapnumfont 99.} + 10pt}
  \renewcommand\titlealign{\if@mainmatter \raggedright \else \centering \fi}
    % ===
          \hspace*{\chapterTitleLeftSkip}\thechapter .%
    % ===
    % ===
      \parbox{\linewidth - \chapterTitleLeftSkip - \chapterNumberWidth}{%
          \vskip 0.5\onelineskip%
          \vskip 0.5\onelineskip%
    % ===
  \renewcommand\afterchaptertitle{\par\nobreak\vskip \afterchapskip}%



14.7 Mirzam


    \parbox{\linewidth - \chapterTitleLeftSkip}{%

15 Assign Chapter Styles

Commands to assign the chapter styles to book parts. Use \renewcommand to adjust.

% No numbers in chapter mark


% append them to the macros

16 Section Styles

% === Section styles ===

% TODO: could use \makeheadstyles to keep bundle different chapter and
% section style together. See memoir manual '6.9 Predefined heading
% styles'.

% No glue after section headers. It is better to break the page early. With
% glue, (eg \setaftersecskip{2.3ex \@plus .2ex}), when nowidow moves some lines
% to the next page, the space after the section header will strech a lot to shift
% the bottom lines to the bottom of the text block.
% With no glue, the space will be at the bottom of the text block instead.

\setbeforesecskip{-5.5ex \@plus -1ex \@minus -.2ex}

\setbeforesubsecskip{-3.5ex \@plus -1ex \@minus -.2ex}

\setbeforesubsubsecskip{-3.5ex \@plus -1ex \@minus -.2ex}

% Roman numerals for section numbering.





17 Packages to be loaded LAST

17.1 Footmisc

% NOTE use the 'bottom' footmisc option when using \raggedbottom.

NOTE: Set \footnotemargin to \quoteMargin if you want the quote margin to align with. Using a fixed value here.



Asterisks for the first three footnotes, then numbers produced by the symbol* option.


Author: Gambhīro Bhikkhu

Created: 2021-03-06 Sat 18:07
